
a place for adventures

ColoradoPhotographyTravelUnited States

Climbing to the Devil’s Head Lookout

The Devil’s Head Lookout, located in Pike National Forest, is the last functional fire lookout along Colorado’s Front Range, and one of only a few functioning fire lookouts remaining in the United States. From the lookout, some have claimed to be able to see 100 miles in all directions on a clear day.

On this day, we met up with our friend Jane and made the moderately difficult 1.4 mile hike to the base of the rocky granite spires holding the lookout. And don’t let the photos below fool you, the 143-stair climb is harrowing. In fact, poor Tilly had to be carried part of it and Morsel had to be carried the whole way. The dogs were not happy. The view from the top made the entire sweat-inducing climb worth it, though. Oh, and we got to meet Bill Ellis, the forest ranger who has been managing this fire lookout for nearly 35 years.

If you like historic structures, beautiful views, and unique locations, the Devil’s Head Lookout is for you.

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