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New MexicoPhotographyTravelUnited States

A Trip Through New Mexico: White Sands, Pistachios, and Santa Fe

Let’s be honest, when you think of New Mexico all you picture is desert scenes from old Spaghetti Westerns. At least, that’s what I thought before taking the trip through the Land of Enrichment. I must say, I was pretty impressed.

Once we attended our wedding in El Paso, Texas, we had to make the long journey home. The drive through southern New Mexico is an interesting experience. From flat, arid desert to amazing rock formations, there’s plenty to see from NM-70.

First stop on the journey: just outside of Organ, New Mexico, is a great little roadside stop that you can’t miss. The 41-foot tall MIM-14 Nike Hercules Missile displayed at the rest stop on the way to White Sands is a no-brainer for anyone traveling through the area. Stunning views of the San Augustin Pass make this vista point worth every moment.

Soon after, arriving at White Sands National Monument is like traveling to another planet. Out of nowhere, miles and miles of dunes on the horizon draws you in. You learn about the wildlife (see the tiny footprint photos below), plant life, and the history of the park. Even on a hot day, the beautiful white sand stays cool under your feet. White Sands is an amazing alien landscape, and a place you need to visit at least once in your life.

Here’s another fun, optional stop: the largest pistachio in the world! McGinn’s Pistachio Tree Ranch is an awesome hokey, tourist trap. But, more than just the giant pistachio monument, McGinn’s has a tasty assortment of pistachio products accompanied by free(!) samples. If I ever find myself near Alamagordo again, I’ll for sure stop at McGinn’s Pistachio Tree Ranch.

And, of course, what’s New Mexico without stopping at the state’s capital? Santa Fe is a culturally rich place for art, food, and architecture. We were in the city for probably about 10 minutes before we bought some art at a little plaza art show. Santa Fe is awesome.

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