
a place for adventures


Website Updates

Hey y’all! It’s been awhile since I’ve made a current update, but I just wanted to let you know that we’ve recently taken some trips to Chicago and the Pacific Northwest and the pictures should be up soon! (Don’t be surprised if the dates look like they’re from the past, I just like having the post match the date of the thing we did.)

At the same time, I’ve been fixing the site’s issues with loading photos (it was really super slow and buggy before) and have been adding MAPS to all my photo galleries! So make sure you pay attention to that. I’m very excited to spend some time this holiday season getting those changes up and ready. Here’s an example of the update from our camping trip to Breckenridge in September.

Please leave comments and suggestions about what you’d like to see shared on the site! Here’s a quick preview of some upcoming posts!

One thought on “Website Updates

  • Grover Fridley

    Yep that looks like Chicago. How did you get rid of the smog in your photo?


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